Jury Cash Awards ($300 each)

Love and the Epiphanists by Scott Stark
for combining multiple media formats to challenge narratives
that are the basis of the Hollywood industry

The Eddies by Madsen Minax
for the wonderful and deep investigation of masculinity about what guns
mean for real

Foreclosed Home by Lisa Danker
for its censorious use of archival materials relating to the personal history
of Florida.

Becoming by Ariel Teal
for creating a film not about blaming but becoming

The Scott Nygren Memorial Award ($300)

Take it Down by Sabine Gruffat
for interrogating the iconographic landscape of American tearing down
racist monuments ONE BY ONE erasing them from history

*Acknowledges the vision of a filmmaker that merges the forms of documentary and experimental film hybridizing the forms while attempting to work beyond them. This Award was established to honor the memory of a long time FLEX supporter Scott Nygren.

Kodak Stock Awards ($200 in stock each)

Story of the Dreaming Water by Brittany Gravely
for its playful optical work

Winter’s First Moons by Kathleen Rugh
for its humor and its smart use of found sound

What is Nothing (After What is Nothing) by Kristin Reeves
for its examination of medical pain

Travel Stop by Mike Gibisser
for the true ethnographic examination of a culture where the filmmaker
actually belongs

A Chorus of Black Voids Sings
by Mike Morris
for its investigation of film destruction

Fifth Metacarpal by Scott Fitzpatrick
for its bold investigation of what consent can be

Honorable Mentions

Ark by Lynne Siefert
for its critique of its specific place and a critique of culture at large

Bay of Plenty by Milva Stutz
for its humor and deconstruction of gender stereotypes